Author Archives: liz

Banana Phone

The Monday Morning Three-Minute-Hate is a time to remember all those things that make life worse, Once you’ve got through poverty, war and injustice, and the way the alarm clock makes you feel, you’re likely to start to dwell on other stuff.

Continued here:
Banana Phone


OpenArena for Raspberry Pi

It’s really been interesting watching the Pi Store fill up with content. Today we approved OpenArena for the Raspberry Pi – if you played Quake III, OpenArena will be  shockingly familiar. It’s a multiplayer first person shooter (FPS) based on Quake III, using a fork of the same game engine, and it’s free and open-source.

Read the original here:
OpenArena for Raspberry Pi


Eben’s desk

Lifehacker readers will have spotted that yesterday’s “This is How I Work” came to you from Eben’s unusually tidy desk. (He’d swept his enormous pile of papers, dust and mugs onto the floor before taking the picture, to join the old cycling shorts and the box of old copies of Retro Gamer.) A couple of you emailed us to ask if there was a higher-resolution picture of the desk than the one Lifehacker used, because you were curious about what the books at the back were

Read this article:
Eben’s desk


Raspberry Jam, Francophone-style

Here’s a guest post from Dr William Bell. Will works at CERN, and has been doing wonderful things with Raspberry Pi meetups and outreach  in Switzerland (you may have read the piece in the Guardian from a few months ago about what’s going on there with the Pi ; none of this would have happened without Will).

View original post here:
Raspberry Jam, Francophone-style


Lifehacker: a beginner’s guide

Lifehacker are publishing a series this week on DIY with your Raspberry Pi for beginners. The first article in the series went up yesterday ; it’s a very simple howto on getting started and set up (even down to a list of peripherals, and how to flash your SD card). We’ll be keeping an eye on this series: we’re looking forward to seeing what beginners’ projects they come up with!

Lifehacker: a beginner’s guide
