Tag Archives: youtubers

Pi 3B+: 48 hours later

Unless you’ve been AFK for the last two days, you’ll no doubt be aware of the release of the brand-spanking-new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ . With faster connectivity, more computing power, Power over Ethernet (PoE) pins, and the same $35 price point, the new board has been a hit across all our social media accounts! So while we wind down from launch week, let’s all pull up a chair, make yet another cup of coffee, and look through some of our favourite reactions from the last 48 hours. Twitter Our Twitter mentions were refreshing at hyperspeed on Wednesday, as you all began to hear the news and spread the word about the newest member to the Raspberry Pi family

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Pi 3B+: 48 hours later


N-O-D-E’s always-on networked Pi Plug

N-O-D-E’s Pi Plug is a simple approach to using a Raspberry Pi Zero W as an always-on networked device without a tangle of wires. Pi Plug 2: Turn The Pi Zero Into A Mini Server Today I’m back with an update on the Pi Plug I made a while back. This prototype is still in the works, and is much more modular than the previous version

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N-O-D-E’s always-on networked Pi Plug


Hacker House’s Zero W–powered automated gardener

Are the plants in your home or office looking somewhat neglected? Then build an automated gardener using a Raspberry Pi Zero W, with help from the team at Hacker House. Make a Raspberry Pi Automated Gardener See how we built it, including our materials, code, and supplemental instructions, on Hackster.io: https://www.hackster.io/hackerhouse/automated-indoor-gardener-a90907 With how busy our lives are, it’s sometimes easy to forget to pay a little attention to your thirsty indoor plants until it’s too late and you are left with a crusty pile of yellow carcasses

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Hacker House’s Zero W–powered automated gardener


Build a Binary Clock with engineerish

Standard clocks with easily recognisable numbers are so last season. Who wants to save valuable seconds simply telling the time, when a series of LEDs and numerical notation can turn every time query into an adventure in mathematics

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Build a Binary Clock with engineerish


Playing tic-tac-toe against a Raspberry Pi at Maker Faire

At Maker Faire New York, we met up with student Toby Goebeler of Dover High School, Pennsylvania, to learn more about his Tic-Tac-Toe Robot. Play Tic-Tac-Toe against a Raspberry Pi #MFNYC Uploaded by Raspberry Pi on 2017-12-18. Tic-tac-toe with Dover Robotics We came to see Toby and Brian Bahn, physics teacher for Dover High School and leader of the Dover Robotics club, so they could tell us about the inner workings of the Tic-Tac-Toe Robot project, and how the Raspberry Pi fit within it.

Playing tic-tac-toe against a Raspberry Pi at Maker Faire


Hacker House’s gesture-controlled holographic visualiser

YouTube makers Hacker House are back with a beautiful Flick-controlled holographic music visualiser that we’d really like to have at Pi Towers, please and thank you. Make a Holographic Audio Visualizer with Gesture Control Find all the code and materials on: https://www.hackster.io/hackerhouse/holographic-audio-visualizer-with-motion-control-e72fee A 3D holographic audio visualizer with gesture control can definitely spice up your party and impress your friends. This display projects an image from a monitor down onto an acrylic pyramid, or “frustum”, which then creates a 3D effect.

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Hacker House’s gesture-controlled holographic visualiser


N O D E’s Handheld Linux Terminal

Fit an entire Raspberry Pi-based laptop into your pocket with N O D E’s latest Handheld Linux Terminal build. The Handheld Linux Terminal Version 3 (Portable Pi 3) Hey everyone. Today I want to show you the new version 3 of the Handheld Linux Terminal.

N O D E’s Handheld Linux Terminal


Sean Hodgins’ Haunted Jack in the Box

After making a delightful Bitcoin lottery using a Raspberry Pi, Sean Hodgins brings us more Pi-powered goodness in time for every maker’s favourite holiday: Easter! Just kidding, it’s Halloween. Check out his hair-raising new build, the Haunted Jack in the Box. Haunted Jack in the Box – DIY Raspberry Pi Project This project uses a raspberry pi and face detection using the pi camera to determine when someone is looking at it

See more here:
Sean Hodgins’ Haunted Jack in the Box
