Tag Archives: direct-the-pen

Playing tic-tac-toe against a Raspberry Pi at Maker Faire

At Maker Faire New York, we met up with student Toby Goebeler of Dover High School, Pennsylvania, to learn more about his Tic-Tac-Toe Robot. Play Tic-Tac-Toe against a Raspberry Pi #MFNYC Uploaded by Raspberry Pi on 2017-12-18. Tic-tac-toe with Dover Robotics We came to see Toby and Brian Bahn, physics teacher for Dover High School and leader of the Dover Robotics club, so they could tell us about the inner workings of the Tic-Tac-Toe Robot project, and how the Raspberry Pi fit within it.

Playing tic-tac-toe against a Raspberry Pi at Maker Faire
