Tag Archives: raspberry pi 3

Track your speed and distance while skateboarding

Fight the urge to chant the Avril Lavigne song as you cruise the streets on Pieter Thomas’s speed- and distance-tracking skateboard. Instant approval “That is sweet!” exclaimed Ben Nuttall when I shared this project on the Raspberry Pi Slack channel. And indeed it is — a simple idea, perfectly executed, resulting in a final product that actually managed to coax a genuine and positive response from Ben! Prove your worth Project creator Pieter Thomas, a student at Howest Kortrijk University , needed to show off his skills by building a ‘something’ for his course

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Track your speed and distance while skateboarding


Build your own Solo: A Star Wars Story L3-37 droid

It is a truth universally acknowledged…that everyone wants their own Star Wars droid.

alt : https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s–wqoXUUO_–/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/kkievcldzgek3aebdx6f.mp4https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wqoXUUO_--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/kkievcldzgek3aebdx6f.mp4

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Build your own Solo: A Star Wars Story L3-37 droid


Archimedes, the Google AIY Projects Vision familiar

hackster.io ‘s ‘resident hardware nerd’ Alex Glow has gifted the world of makers with Archimedes, a shoulder-mounted owl that judges your emotions using the Google AIY Project Vision Kit. Say Hi to Archimedes – the AI Robot Owl Say hi to Archimedes – the robot owl with a Google AIY brain. Built with Raspberry Pi + Arduino! Here are some insights into pitfalls of the build process

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Archimedes, the Google AIY Projects Vision familiar


Tackling climate change and helping the community

In today’s guest post, seventh-grade students Evan Callas, Will Ross, Tyler Fallon, and Kyle Fugate share their story of using the Raspberry Pi Oracle Weather Station in their Innovation Lab class, headed by Raspberry Pi Certified Educator Chris Aviles . United Nations Sustainable Goals The past couple of weeks in our Innovation Lab class, our teacher, Mr Aviles, has challenged us students to design a project that helps solve one of the United Nations Sustainable Goals

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Tackling climate change and helping the community


Invent new sounds with Google’s NSynth Super

Discover new sounds and explore the role of machine learning in music production and sound research with the NSynth Super, an ongoing project from Google’s Magenta research team that you can build at home. Google Open NSynth Super Testing Uploaded by AB Open on 2018-04-17

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Invent new sounds with Google’s NSynth Super


Take home Mugsy, the Raspberry Pi coffee robot

We love Mugsy, the Raspberry Pi coffee robot that has smashed its crowdfunding goal within days! Our latest YouTube video shows our catch-up with Mugsy and its creator Matthew Oswald at Maker Faire New York last year. MUGSY THE RASPBERRY PI COFFEE ROBOT #MFNYC Uploaded by Raspberry Pi on 2018-03-22

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Take home Mugsy, the Raspberry Pi coffee robot


SoFi, the underwater robotic fish

With the Greenland shark finally caught on video for the very first time, scientists and engineers are discussing the limitations of current marine monitoring technology. One significant advance comes from the CSAIL team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): SoFi, the robotic fish. A Robotic Fish Swims in the Ocean More info: http://bit.ly/SoFiRobot Paper: http://robert.katzschmann.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/katzschmann2018exploration.pdf The untethered SoFi robot Last week, the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) team at MIT unveiled SoFi, “a soft robotic fish that can independently swim alongside real fish in the ocean.” Directed by a Super Nintendo controller and acoustic signals, SoFi can dive untethered to a maximum of 18 feet for a total of 40 minutes.

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SoFi, the underwater robotic fish


LED cubes and how to map them

Taking inspiration from a cube he had filmed at the 34th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig, Germany, polyfloyd  gathered friends Sebastius and Boekenwuurm together to create their own.

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LED cubes and how to map them
