Tag Archives: 3d printing

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock, fire, water balloon!

Use a Raspberry Pi and a Pi Camera Module to build your own machine learning–powered rock paper scissors game! Rock-Paper-Scissors game using computer vision and machine learning on Raspberry Pi A Rock-Paper-Scissors game using computer vision and machine learning on the Raspberry Pi. Project GitHub page: https://github.com/DrGFreeman/rps-cv PROJECT ORIGIN: This project results from a challenge my son gave me when I was teaching him the basics of computer programming making a simple text based Rock-Paper-Scissors game in Python.

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Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock, fire, water balloon!


Ten awesome 3D-printable Raspberry Pi goodies

3D printing has become far more accessible for hobbyists , with printer prices now in the hundreds instead of thousands of pounds. Last year, we covered some of the best 3D-printable cases for the Pi, and since then, Raspberry Pi enthusiasts have shared even more cool designs on sites such as MyMiniFactory and Thingiverse ! Here are ten of our recent favourites: World Cup Sputnik “With the World Cup now underway, I wanted a Russia-themed football sculpture to hang over the desk,” explains creator Ajax Jones . “What better than a football-styled Sputnik!” The World Cup Sputnik comes complete with a Raspberry Pi that transmits the original Sputnik ‘beeps’ on an FM frequency, allowing co-workers to tune in for some 1960s nostalgia

See original here:
Ten awesome 3D-printable Raspberry Pi goodies


Build your own Solo: A Star Wars Story L3-37 droid

It is a truth universally acknowledged…that everyone wants their own Star Wars droid.

alt : https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s–wqoXUUO_–/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/kkievcldzgek3aebdx6f.mp4https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wqoXUUO_--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/kkievcldzgek3aebdx6f.mp4

See the original post:
Build your own Solo: A Star Wars Story L3-37 droid


Build a Flick-controlled marble maze

Wiggle your fingers to guide a ball through a 3D-printed marble maze using the Pi Supply Flick board for Raspberry Pi! https://giant.gfycat.com/ForsakenFirmHummingbird.webm Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah Using the Flick , previously seen in last week’s  Hacker House’s gesture-controlled holographic visualiser , South Africa–based Tom Van den Bon has created a touch-free marble maze. He was motivated by, if his Twitter is any indication, his love for game-making and 3D printing.

Visit link:
Build a Flick-controlled marble maze


Awesome Raspberry Pi cases to 3D print at home

Unless you’re planning to fit your Raspberry Pi inside a build, you may find yourself in need of a case to protect it from dust, damage and/or the occasional pet attack. Here are some of our favourite 3D-printed cases, for which files are available online so you can recreate them at home

Go here to read the rest:
Awesome Raspberry Pi cases to 3D print at home


talkiepi: A Raspberry Pi Walkie-Talkie

talkiepi is a single-button, push-to-talk walkie-talkie build that allows users to talk with their friends easily over WiFi, without the confusion of frequency dials, random buttons, and all the other clicky, turny, pushy options that caused me to break my own walkie-talkies as a child. It’s the brainchild of Daniel Chote , native New Zealander, self-proclaimed Code Monkey and all-round Wonder Dad, currently residing in the USA. Whereas many parents would simply hop on the internet and purchase their kids a set of walkie-talkies, Daniel decided to make his own

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talkiepi: A Raspberry Pi Walkie-Talkie


Wearable Pi Zero Camera from Adafruit

Over in a land of palm trees and breezy sunsets, Adafruit’s Noe Ruiz has been making things. (My Noe story: I waltzed up to him in the Adafruit factory once, grabbed his hand, pumped his arm up and down and said: “SO good to see you again

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Wearable Pi Zero Camera from Adafruit
