Tag Archives: maker-builds

Pimoroni’s ‘World’s Thinnest Raspberry Pi 3’

The Raspberry Pi is not a chunky computer. Nonetheless, tech treasure merchants Pimoroni observed that at almost 20mm tall, it’s still a little on the large side for some applications

Excerpt from:
Pimoroni’s ‘World’s Thinnest Raspberry Pi 3’


Turtle, the earthbound crowdfunded rover

With ten days to go until the end of their crowdfunding campaign, the team behind the Turtle Rover are waiting eagerly for their project to become a reality for earthbound explorers across the globe. https://ksr-video.imgix.net/projects/3070771/video-807374-h264_high.mp4 Turtle Rover Turtle is the product of the Mars Rover prototype engineers at Wroclaw University of Technology , Poland.

alt : https://ksr-video.imgix.net/projects/3070771/video-807374-h264_high.mp4https://ksr-video.imgix.net/projects/3070771/video-807374-h264_high.mp4

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Turtle, the earthbound crowdfunded rover


Digitising film reels with Pi Film Capture

Joe Herman’s Pi Film Capture project combines old projectors and a stepper motor with a Raspberry Pi and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module , to transform his grandfather’s 8- and 16-mm home movies into glorious digital films.

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Digitising film reels with Pi Film Capture


3D print your own Rubik’s Cube Solver

Why use logic and your hands to solve a Rubik’s Cube, when you could 3D print your own Rubik’s Cube Solver and thus avoid overexerting your fingers and brain cells? Here to help you with this is Otvinta ‘s new robotic make: Fully 3D-Printed Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot This 3D-printed Raspberry PI-powered Rubik’s Cube solving robot has everything any serious robot does — arms, servos, gears, vision, artificial intelligence and a task to complete.

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3D print your own Rubik’s Cube Solver


The Pronunciation Training Machine

Using a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, an Adafruit NeoPixel Ring and a servomotor, Japanese makers  HomeMadeGarbage produced this Pronunciation Training Machine to help their parents distinguish ‘L’s and ‘R’s when speaking English. L R 発音矯正ギブス お母ちゃん編 Pronunciation training machine #right #light #raspberrypi #arduino #neopixel 23 Likes, 1 Comments – Home Made Garbage (@homemadegarbage) on Instagram: “L R 発音矯正ギブス お母ちゃん編 Pronunciation training machine #right #light #raspberrypi #arduino #neopixel” How does an Pronunciation Training Machine work? As you can see in the video above, the machine utilises the Google Cloud Speech API to recognise their parents’ pronunciation of the words ‘right’ and ‘light’.

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The Pronunciation Training Machine


Sean’s DIY Bitcoin Lottery with a Raspberry Pi

After several explorations into the world of 3D printing , and fresh off the back of his $5 fidget spinner crowd funding campaign , Sean Hodgins brings us his latest project: a DIY Bitcoin Lottery! DIY Bitcoin Lottery with a Raspberry Pi Build your own lottery! Thingiverse Files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2494568 Pi How-to: http://www.idlehandsproject.com/raspberry-pi-bitcoin-lottery/ Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Bitcoin-Lottery-With-Raspberry-Pi/ Send me bitcoins if you want! What is Bitcoin mining? According to the internet, Bitcoin mining is: [A] record-keeping service.

Continue reading here:
Sean’s DIY Bitcoin Lottery with a Raspberry Pi


Mod your Nerf gun with a Pi

Michael Darby, who blogs at 314reactor , has created a new Raspberry Pi build, and it’s pretty darn cool. Though it’s not the first Raspberry Pi-modded Nerf gun we’ve seen, it’s definitely one of the most complex! Nerf Gun Ammo Counter / Range Finder – Raspberry Pi An ammo counter and range finder made from a Raspberry Pi for a Nerf Gun. Nerf guns Nerf guns are toy dart guns that have been on the market since the early 1990s.

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Mod your Nerf gun with a Pi


OK Google, be aesthetically pleasing

Maker Andrew Jones took a Raspberry Pi and the Google Assistant SDK and created a gorgeous-looking, and highly functional, alternative to store-bought smart speakers. Raspberry Pi Google AI Assistant In this video I get an “Ok Google” voice activated AI assistant running on a raspberry pi. I also hand make a nice wooden box for it to live in.

Read the rest here:
OK Google, be aesthetically pleasing


Video playback on freely-arranged screens with info-beamer

When the creator of the digital signage software info-beamer, Florian Wesch, shared this project on Reddit , I don’t think he was prepared for the excited reaction of the community. Florian’s post, which by now has thousands of upvotes, showcased the power of info-beamer

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Video playback on freely-arranged screens with info-beamer


The CNC Wood Burner turning heads (and wood, obviously)

Why stick to conventional laser cutters or CNC machines for creating images on wood, when you can build a device to do the job that is a beautiful piece of art in itself? Mechanical and Computer Science student and Imgur user Tucker Shannon has created a wonderful-looking CNC Wood Burner using a Raspberry Pi and stepper motors.

See the original post:
The CNC Wood Burner turning heads (and wood, obviously)
