Tag Archives: lottery

Sean’s DIY Bitcoin Lottery with a Raspberry Pi

After several explorations into the world of 3D printing , and fresh off the back of his $5 fidget spinner crowd funding campaign , Sean Hodgins brings us his latest project: a DIY Bitcoin Lottery! DIY Bitcoin Lottery with a Raspberry Pi Build your own lottery! Thingiverse Files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2494568 Pi How-to: http://www.idlehandsproject.com/raspberry-pi-bitcoin-lottery/ Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Bitcoin-Lottery-With-Raspberry-Pi/ Send me bitcoins if you want! What is Bitcoin mining? According to the internet, Bitcoin mining is: [A] record-keeping service.

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Sean’s DIY Bitcoin Lottery with a Raspberry Pi
