Tag Archives: jokes

The Crackerjoke-a-tron

In the UK, plus a few other countries here and there, no Christmas table is complete without the traditional Christmas cracker next to every plate. The Christmas cracker is a cardboard tube, tied shut at both ends. When two people pull it apart, an inner ‘snapper’ gives off a bang while the cracker’s contents fall into your mashed potatoes and gravy.

Continued here:
The Crackerjoke-a-tron


Joker: a Raspberry Pi + Python joke machine

Today is a public holiday here in the UK, and Pi Towers is silent and still. Clive’s in a field “with no network (not even mobile),” he specifies, just in case someone were tempted to try and make him do something anyway

Read more:
Joker: a Raspberry Pi + Python joke machine
