Tag Archives: fran scott

Astro Pi: In Space, No One Can Hear You Code

British ESA astronaut Tim Peake has been on board the International Space Station with our Astro Pi units, Izzy and Ed , for exactly six months today. As Tim prepares to return to Earth this Saturday, we bring you the third part of their animated adventures: when our two spacefaring Raspberry Pi computers run into a problem even their hero Robonaut can’t fix, who can help them? No Title No Description During his time in space, Tim has been using Ed and Izzy to run apps, carry out science experiments and play music designed and coded by UK school students, and he’s taken some great photos of them on the station: Education No Description Both computers have also spent some weeks in a flight recorder mode, saving sensor readings to a database every ten seconds, and we’ve made these space data available to everyone to download and analyse.

Read the original post:
Astro Pi: In Space, No One Can Hear You Code


Fran Scott’s #Error404 show at BETT

It’s not long to BETT now where the Foundation education team will spend four whole earth days doing great works. As well as a non-stop stand schedule of talks, demos and activities we’ve also got a number of off-stand monkeyshines including two live stage shows by Fran Scott , who you may have seen recently on the Royal Institution Christmas lectures

Read more:
Fran Scott’s #Error404 show at BETT


Royal Institution Christmas Lecture 1 – video!

As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader, we sponsored the Royal Institution’s 2014 Christmas Lectures. They have just made the video of the first of the Lectures – the one with all the Raspberry Pis in it – available to watch online, wherever you are in the world.

Here is the original post:
Royal Institution Christmas Lecture 1 – video!
