Tag Archives: crazy

Old Nokia phone and Raspberry Pi chat to make perfect cup of tea – New Atlas

New Atlas Old Nokia phone and Raspberry Pi chat to make perfect cup of tea New Atlas Old Nokia phone and Raspberry Pi chat to make perfect cup of tea. Electronics · Paul Ridden.

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Old Nokia phone and Raspberry Pi chat to make perfect cup of tea – New Atlas


Move over, Raspberry Pi. This startup is building a $9 computer – Ars Technica

International Business Times UK Move over, Raspberry Pi . This startup is building a $9 computer Ars Technica Dave Rauchwerk and a team of eight people are creating a $9 computer, designed to dovetail the success of their $249 Raspberry Pi -based camera. Their $1 million venture-backed startup, Next Thing Co., aims to put this crazy-cheap, hackable computer ..

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Move over, Raspberry Pi. This startup is building a $9 computer – Ars Technica
