Tag Archives: chipkit

Microchip, element14 announce Raspberry Pi expansion board – Eetasia.com (subscription)

Microchip, element14 announce Raspberry Pi expansion board Eetasia.com (subscription) Microchip Technology Inc. has extended its Arduino compatible chipKIT platform ecosystem, including a Raspberry Pi tool that it co-developed with element14—the chipKIT Pi Expansion Board. On the software side, volunteers from the chipKIT and Arduino


Microchip and element14 Announce Raspberry Pi chipKIT Expansion Board – Product Design & Development

Microchip and element14 Announce Raspberry Pi chipKIT Expansion Board Product Design & Development Microchip Technology has announced the expansion of its Arduino compatible chipKIT platform ecosystem, including a new Raspberry Pi tool that it co-developed with partner element14—the chipKIT Pi Expansion Board. On the software side, volunteers from
