Tag Archives: bathroom-scale

DIY: Build a hackable, weight-tracking scale with a sense of humor using Raspberry Pi – ZDNet

ZDNet DIY: Build a hackable, weight-tracking scale with a sense of humor using Raspberry Pi ZDNet The Raspberry Pi 3 comes with bluetooth built on-board, all we need to communicate with the Wii Balance Board. If you have a Raspberry Pi 1 or 2, we will have to use one of our USB ports to plug in an adapter such as this inexpensive iAnder USB … Weight Tracking, Wise Cracking IoT Bathroom Scale Hackaday all 3 news articles »

DIY: Build a hackable, weight-tracking scale with a sense of humor using Raspberry Pi – ZDNet


Build a Motivational Bathroom Scale with a Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker

Build a Motivational Bathroom Scale with a Raspberry Pi Lifehacker One of the most deterring parts about trying to lose weight is that moment when you look down at the scale. This custom built scale ditches unsatisfying numbers and uses a Raspberry Pi to actually talk to you when your step up to help keep you motivated.

Excerpt from:
Build a Motivational Bathroom Scale with a Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker
