New MagPi Essentials book: simple electronics

Less than a month has passed since we released  Hacking & Making in Minecraft and we’re back again with our seventh Essentials book! Simple Electronics with GPIO Zero  is dedicated to helping you build your own electronics projects in easy steps – everything from push buttons to Raspberry Pi robots, and from laser-powered trip wires to motion-sensing alarms. Those GPIO pins aren’t as daunting as they might first appear! The book boasts 12 chapters and 100+ pages of GPIO Zero – but wait, hang on… just  download the free PDF  and get reading already! If you can’t grab it straight away, here are a few of the chapter highlights: Program LED lights Add push buttons to your project Build a motion-sensing alarm Create your own distance rangefinder Make a laser-powered tripwire Build a Raspberry Pi robot Create a motion-sensing alarm and much more! We think our latest Essentials book is a great introduction to using the GPIO pins on your Raspberry Pi and programming them with the fab GPIO Zero Python library. It unlocks a whole new world of potential for your projects and it’s much easier to learn than you might think! You can also buy  Simple Electronics with GPIO Zero  in our app for Android and iOS .

Read the rest here:
New MagPi Essentials book: simple electronics
