Tag Archives: the-internet

Raspberry Pi goes Tingbot app creative – Electronics Weekly (blog)

Electronics Weekly (blog) Raspberry Pi goes Tingbot app creative Electronics Weekly (blog) GetFileAttachment The first app, called Ting.it, allows you to make animated expressions and share them with others. They are also developing an operating system so that apps can be downloaded for the internet straight to the Raspberry Pi -based Tingbot.

See the rest here:
Raspberry Pi goes Tingbot app creative – Electronics Weekly (blog)


Subnodes: a non-internet internet served in Raspberry Pi – Technical.ly Brooklyn

Technical.ly Brooklyn Subnodes: a non-internet internet served in Raspberry Pi Technical.ly Brooklyn Operationally, Subnodes is an open-source Raspberry Pi -based system for setting up a server and network much more easily, without needing the internet to connect computers. It's been used to set up small-scale art installations and demo projects

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Subnodes: a non-internet internet served in Raspberry Pi – Technical.ly Brooklyn


Build a Smarter Digital Photo Frame with a Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker

Build a Smarter Digital Photo Frame with a Raspberry Pi Lifehacker You can snag digital photo frames for cheap from just about anywhere these days. If you're looking to make one that's a bit smarter, DIYer Samuel Clay built a digital photo frame that uses a Raspberry Pi to connect it to the internet so it's always …

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Build a Smarter Digital Photo Frame with a Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker


arkOS aims to let anyone host their own cloud with a $35 Raspberry Pi – Liliputing

Liliputing arkOS aims to let anyone host their own cloud with a $35 Raspberry Pi Liliputing Cloud services such as Gmail, SkyDrive, or Google Calendar can be handy. They let you access your data from nearly any device connected to the internet, whether you're using your work PC, personal laptop, smartphone, or tablet.

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arkOS aims to let anyone host their own cloud with a $35 Raspberry Pi – Liliputing


Block Ads on All Your Devices with a Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker

Block Ads on All Your Devices with a Raspberry Pi Lifehacker Ads can be one of the internet's more annoying things, and there are few things worse than watching a flash animation for deodorant suck up all your bandwidth. While you have plenty of software solutions to block ads, you can also do it on a deeper …

Block Ads on All Your Devices with a Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker


Simple kit turns Raspberry Pi into portable Tor gateway – Geek (blog)

Geek (blog) Simple kit turns Raspberry Pi into portable Tor gateway Geek (blog) If you have been on the internet in the past couple of years, you're likely quite aware that the Raspberry Pi is a cheap, tiny, machine of barely adequate power and wonders. One problem you may have encounter with the Pi is that, though cheap and … Browse the web anonymously with Adafruit's Onion Pi DVICE all 2 news articles


Amusing overkill: A neon pink water-cooled Raspberry Pi – Geek (blog)

Geek (blog) Amusing overkill: A neon pink water-cooled Raspberry Pi Geek (blog) For those that haven't been on the internet in the past year or two and are completely unfamiliar with the Raspberry Pi , it's a tiny computer about the size of a credit card, but with some vertical topography. So, while that scale should represent how …

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Amusing overkill: A neon pink water-cooled Raspberry Pi – Geek (blog)


The true cost of a Raspberry Pi is more than you think – ExtremeTech

ExtremeTech The true cost of a Raspberry Pi is more than you think ExtremeTech As the Raspberry Pi craze sweeps the internet, you might have found yourself wanting to purchase the little computer to see what projects you can use it for. You may have thought to yourself that even if you can't think of a nifty project, who cares …

See more here:
The true cost of a Raspberry Pi is more than you think – ExtremeTech
