Tag Archives: raspberry pi resources

New software to get you started with high-altitude ballooning

Right now, we’re working on an online project pathway to support you with all your high-altitude balloon (HAB) flight activities, whether you run them with students or as a hobby. We’ll release the resources later in the year, but in the meantime we have some exciting new HAB software to share with you! Skycademy and early HAB software Over the past few years, I’ve been lucky enough to conduct several high-altitude balloon (HAB) flights and to help educators who wanted to do HAB projects with learners. In the Foundation’s Skycademy programme, supported by UKHAS members, in particular Dave Akerman , we’ve trained more than 50 teachers to successfully launch near-space missions with their students

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New software to get you started with high-altitude ballooning


Raspbian update: first-boot setup wizard and more

After a few months of hiding in a dark corner of the office muttering to myself (just ask anyone who sits near me how much of that I do…), it’s time to release another update to the Raspberry Pi desktop with a few new bits and a bunch of bug fixes (hopefully more fixes than new bugs, anyway). So, what’s changed this time around? Setup wizard One of the things about Raspbian that has always been a bit unhelpful is that when a new user first boots up a new Pi, they see a nice desktop picture, but they might not have much of an idea what they ought to do next.

See the article here:
Raspbian update: first-boot setup wizard and more


Make your own custom LEDs using hot glue!

Tired of using the same old plastic LEDs in your projects? It’s time to grab a hot glue gun and some confectionary moulds to create your own custom LEDs! Blinky LEDs! Lighting up an LED is the standard first step into the world of digital making with a Raspberry Pi. For example, at our two-day Picademy  training events, budding Raspberry Pi Certified Educators are shown the ropes of classroom digital making by learning how to connect an LED to a Pi and use code to make it blink

See the original post here:
Make your own custom LEDs using hot glue!


Continued: the answers to your questions for Eben Upton

Last week, we shared the first half of our Q&A with Raspberry Pi Trading CEO and Raspberry Pi creator Eben Upton. Today we follow up with all your other questions, including your expectations for a Raspberry Pi 4, Eben’s dream add-ons, and whether we really could go smaller than the Zero.

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Continued: the answers to your questions for Eben Upton


Tackling climate change and helping the community

In today’s guest post, seventh-grade students Evan Callas, Will Ross, Tyler Fallon, and Kyle Fugate share their story of using the Raspberry Pi Oracle Weather Station in their Innovation Lab class, headed by Raspberry Pi Certified Educator Chris Aviles . United Nations Sustainable Goals The past couple of weeks in our Innovation Lab class, our teacher, Mr Aviles, has challenged us students to design a project that helps solve one of the United Nations Sustainable Goals

See the original post:
Tackling climate change and helping the community


Start a CoderDojo with our free online training

You can now sign up to our newest free online course Start a CoderDojo to learn more about CoderDojo and how you can easily set up one of these free coding clubs for young people in your area. With less than two weeks until the course begins, we wanted to tell you about the course’s content and why the course’s creator put it together for you. Start a CoderDojo || free online learning || Raspberry Pi Foundation Get support and advice on how to grow your confidence in coding and start a CoderDojo for young people in your area

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Start a CoderDojo with our free online training


Transition from Scratch to Python with FutureLearn

With the launch of our first new free online course of 2018 — S cratch to Python: Moving from Block- to Text-based Programming — two weeks away, I thought this would be a great opportunity to introduce you to the ins and outs of the course content so you know what to expect. FutureLearn: Moving from Scratch to Python Learn how to apply the thinking and programming skills you’ve learnt in Scratch to text-based programming languages like Python

See the original post:
Transition from Scratch to Python with FutureLearn


2017 Weather Station round-up

As we head into 2018 and start looking forward to longer days in the Northern hemisphere, I thought I’d take a look back at last year’s weather using data from Raspberry Pi Oracle Weather Stations . One of the great things about the kit is that as well as uploading all its readings to the shared online Oracle database, it stores them locally on the Pi in a MySQL or MariaDB database.

Read the original here:
2017 Weather Station round-up


Create SLUG! It’s just like Snake, but with a slug

Recreate Snake, the favourite mobile phone game from the late nineties, using a slug*, a Raspberry Pi, a Sense HAT, and our free resource ! *A virtual slug. Not a real slug. Please leave the real slugs out in nature

Follow this link:
Create SLUG! It’s just like Snake, but with a slug
