Tag Archives: perspective

Intel Joule SOM runs Ubuntu Core Linux and makes Raspberry Pi look like garbage – BetaNews

BetaNews Intel Joule SOM runs Ubuntu Core Linux and makes Raspberry Pi look like garbage BetaNews The original Raspberry Pi sparked the creativity of many developers and students, but it was woefully underpowered. Through several iterations, however, it slowly became more powerful

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Intel Joule SOM runs Ubuntu Core Linux and makes Raspberry Pi look like garbage – BetaNews


Parkinson’s disease body illusion

Transports is an interactive installation from Analogue , a theatre/art group, sponsored by the Wellcome Trust, which creates the illusion that the viewer is experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. As in the rubber hand illusion , the mind is tricked into believing that the user’s hand is the hand shown in some point-of-view video; while a glove with motors makes them feel the tremors associated with the disease. The whole setup is controlled by a Raspberry Pi.

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Parkinson’s disease body illusion
