Tag Archives: nas

Turn A Raspberry Pi Into A Low-Power NAS – Lifehacker Australia

Turn A Raspberry Pi Into A Low-Power NAS Lifehacker Australia The process of using a Raspberry Pi as a NAS is straightforward, and the only additional equipment you need is a USB hard drive (or two for redundancy). First off, you need to do the initial setup process for the Raspberry Pi . Then you need to run a ..

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Turn A Raspberry Pi Into A Low-Power NAS – Lifehacker Australia


Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Low Power NAS – Lifehacker

Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Low Power NAS Lifehacker Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Low Power NAS A network storage device is one of the best ways to keep your data backed up, but it can be a little pricey to set up and leaving a computer on all the time sucks a lot of power. If you're looking for a cheap ..

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Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Low Power NAS – Lifehacker
