Tag Archives: babbage

Ted Bull Stratos: Babbage’s leap of faith

Liz: Today we’ve got a guest post from our old high-altitude-ballooning friend Dave Akerman (just as well, really, because I’ve got really bad backache and am having to make a little nest of pillows to sit in before I can type without wincing). Tomorrow morning, Eben and I are rising with the lark to drive over to Berkshire, where we’ll be “helping” Dave launch another Pi-enabled balloon. This time, the payload is someone who may look familiar to you, and he’s going to try to replicate a world record.  This is cross-posted from Dave’s own blog , where you’ll also find much more information about tracking this flight from home if you’d like to follow us along tomorrow

Continued here:
Ted Bull Stratos: Babbage’s leap of faith
