Author Archives: Rob Zwetsloot

MagPi 66: Raspberry Pi media projects for your home

Hey folks, Rob from The MagPi here! Issue 66 of The MagPi is out right now, with the ultimate guide to powering your home media with Raspberry Pi. We think the Pi is the perfect replacement or upgrade for many media devices, so in this issue we show you how to build a range of Raspberry Pi media projects

Read more here:
MagPi 66: Raspberry Pi media projects for your home


MagPi 65: Newbies Guide, and something brand new!

Hey folks, Rob from The MagPi here! We know many people might be getting their very first Raspberry Pi this Christmas, and excitedly wondering “what do I do with it?” While we can’t tell you exactly what to do with your Pi, we can show you how to immerse yourself in the world of Raspberry Pi and be inspired by our incredible community, and that’s the topic of The MagPi 65 , out today tomorrow (we’re a day early because we’re simply TOO excited about the special announcement below!).

Read the rest here:
MagPi 65: Newbies Guide, and something brand new!


MagPi 64: get started with electronics

Hey folks, Rob here again! You get a double dose of me this month, as today marks the release of The MagPi 64 . In this issue we give you a complete electronics starter guide to help you learn how to make circuits that connect to your Raspberry Pi! MAGPI SIXTY-FOOUUUR! Wires, wires everywhere! In the electronics feature, we’ll teach you how to identify different components in circuit diagrams, we’ll explain what they do, and we’ll give you some basic wiring instructions so you can take your first steps. The feature also includes step-by-step tutorials on how to make a digital radio and a range-finder, meaning you can test out your new electronics skills immediately! Christmas tutorials Electronics are cool, but what else is in this issue?

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MagPi 64: get started with electronics


The Official Projects Book volume 3 — out now

Hey folks, Rob from The MagPi here with some very exciting news! The third volume of the Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book is out right this second, and we’ve packed its 200 pages with the very best Raspberry Pi projects and guides! A peek inside the projects book We start you off with a neat beginners guide to programming in Python,  walking you from the very basics all the way through to building the classic videogame Pong from scratch! Check out what’s inside! Then we showcase some of the most inspiring projects from around the community, such as a camera for taking photos of the moon, a smart art installation, amazing arcade machines, and much more.

See the original post here:
The Official Projects Book volume 3 — out now


MagPi 63: build the arcade cabinet of your dreams

Hi folks, Rob from The MagPi here! Issue 63 is now available, and it’s a huge one: we finally show you how to create the ultimate Raspberry Pi arcade cabinet in our latest detailed tutorial, so get some quarters and your saw ready. Totally awesome video game builds! The 16-page-long arcade machine instructions cover everything from the tools you need and how to do the woodwork, to setting up the electronics. In my spare time, I pretend to be Street Fighter baddie M

Excerpt from:
MagPi 63: build the arcade cabinet of your dreams


MagPi 62: become a LEGO master builder

Hi folks, Rob here from The MagPi. I’m excited to introduce to you all issue 62 of The MagPi, in which we go block crazy with LEGO! This month’s magazine is brimming with 14 pages of magnificent Raspberry Pi projects using these ubiquitous building blocks. LEGO of everything and get one from the shops right now! LEGO + Raspberry Pi In our cover feature you’ll find fun tutorials from our friends at Dexter Industries , such as a Rubik’s cube-solving robot and a special automaton that balances on two wheels.

Read more:
MagPi 62: become a LEGO master builder


MagPi 61: ten amazing Raspberry Pi Zero W projects

Hey folks! Rob here, with another roundup of the latest The MagPi magazine. MagPi 61 focuses on some incredible ‘must make’ Raspberry Pi Zero W projects, 3D printers and – oh, did someone mention the Google AIY Voice Projects Kit

Read the original here:
MagPi 61: ten amazing Raspberry Pi Zero W projects


MagPi 60: the ultimate troubleshooting guide

Hey folks, Rob from The MagPi here! It’s the last Thursday of the month, and that can only mean one thing: a brand-new The MagPi issue is out! In The MagPi 60, we’re bringing you the top troubleshooting tips for your Raspberry Pi, sourced directly from our amazing community. The MagPi #60 comes with a huge troubleshooting guide The MagPi 60 Our feature-length guide covers snags you might encounter while using a Raspberry Pi, and it is written for newcomers and veterans alike! Do you hit a roadblock while booting up your Pi? Are you having trouble connecting it to a network?

View original post here:
MagPi 60: the ultimate troubleshooting guide


Make with Minecraft Pi in The MagPi 58

Hey folks, Rob here! What a busy month it’s been at The MagPi HQ. While we’ve been replying to your tweets, answering questions on YouTube and fiddling with our AIY Voice Project kits, we’ve managed to put together a whole new magazine for you, with issue 58 of the official Raspberry Pi magazine out in stores today.

See the original post here:
Make with Minecraft Pi in The MagPi 58


Get a free AIY Projects Voice Kit with The MagPi 57!

We’re extremely excited to share with you the latest issue of The MagPi , the official Raspberry Pi magazine. It’s a very special issue bundled with an exclusive project kit from Google.

Excerpt from:
Get a free AIY Projects Voice Kit with The MagPi 57!
