Tag Archives: password

Hackaday Prize Entry: A Raspberry Pi Password Manager – Hackaday

Hackaday Hackaday Prize Entry: A Raspberry Pi Password Manager Hackaday Every week there's new a new website that has been compromised and the passwords of a few hundred thousand accounts have been leaked to a pastebin. To protect yourself you can change your passwords often, not reuse passwords, and use long …

Read the rest here:
Hackaday Prize Entry: A Raspberry Pi Password Manager – Hackaday


Boot up: Raspberry Pi password caution, new Nexus details?, mistakes Jobs made … – The Guardian (blog)

The Guardian (blog) Boot up: Raspberry Pi password caution, new Nexus details?, mistakes Jobs made …

Read this article:
Boot up: Raspberry Pi password caution, new Nexus details?, mistakes Jobs made … – The Guardian (blog)


Top 5: Password alternatives, Raspberry Pi in space, and more – opensource.com

Top 5: Password alternatives, Raspberry Pi in space, and more opensource.com Ben Nuttall does development and outreach at the Raspberry Pi Foundation and in this new column he begins by telling us about a trip to the International Space Station for six months by British ESA astronaut Tim Peake. What's super special about this ..

Excerpt from:
Top 5: Password alternatives, Raspberry Pi in space, and more – opensource.com


Reset A Forgotten Raspberry Pi Password With A Simple TXT File Edit – Lifehacker Australia

Reset A Forgotten Raspberry Pi Password With A Simple TXT File Edit Lifehacker Australia Your Pi will boot up like normal. When it's done, shut it back down, and take your SD card back to your computer.

Read more here:
Reset A Forgotten Raspberry Pi Password With A Simple TXT File Edit – Lifehacker Australia


Reset a Forgotten Raspberry Pi Password with a Simple TXT File Edit – Lifehacker

Reset a Forgotten Raspberry Pi Password with a Simple TXT File Edit Lifehacker If you forget your Raspberry Pi's password, it's a pretty useless little machine.

Follow this link:
Reset a Forgotten Raspberry Pi Password with a Simple TXT File Edit – Lifehacker


Merry Christmas! Got a new Pi? Read on!

If you’re here because you got a Raspberry Pi for Christmas, then Happy Christmas – and welcome to the Raspberry Pi family! If you’re just here for fun, then Happy Christmas too! The Raspberry Pi is a computer that you can use for all sort of brilliant and useful things, from learning to program, to making robots, to Tweeting when birds visit a nesting box, to taking pictures from the stratosphere. Here are some tips on getting setting up and using your Raspberry Pi.

Originally posted here:
Merry Christmas! Got a new Pi? Read on!
