Tag Archives: installed

Raspberry Pi Zero Mini PC Installed In Robosapien Robot (video) – Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets Raspberry Pi Zero Mini PC Installed In Robosapien Robot (video) Geeky Gadgets Carl Monk has published details of an awesome new project he has undertaken over the past few months, during which he has installed a $5 Raspberry Pi Zero mini PC into the body of a broken Robosapien Robot which he picked up from a charity shop.

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Raspberry Pi Zero Mini PC Installed In Robosapien Robot (video) – Geeky Gadgets


Raspberry Pi 2 Installed Inside A Mechanical Keyboard – Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets Raspberry Pi 2 Installed Inside A Mechanical Keyboard Geeky Gadgets If you have a spare mechanical keyboard lying dormant and looking for some love, you may be interested in a new project that has been created by Lauri Hakkarainen who has built Project Kiiboard. Project Kiiboard consists of installing a Raspberry Pi 2


Build A Face-Recognising Safe With A Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker Australia

Build A Face-Recognising Safe With A Raspberry Pi Lifehacker Australia The free software is based on OpenCV, a small program that runs well on a Raspberry Pi , and the camera is just a proper Pi camera module. Once everything is all set up, you train the installed software to recognise your face and hide your prized ..

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Build A Face-Recognising Safe With A Raspberry Pi – Lifehacker Australia
