Tag Archives: bbc basic

Learn to write games for the BBC Micro with Eben

Long-time fans of the Raspberry Pi will know that we were inspired to make a programmable computer for kids by our own experiences with a machine called the BBC Micro, which many of us learned with in the 1980s. This post is the first of what’s going to be an irregular series where I’ll walk you through building the sort of game we used to play when we were kids.

Read the rest here:
Learn to write games for the BBC Micro with Eben


The Wheel of (BASIC) Excuses

Back in the day, over at IEEE Spectrum magazine , the editorial elves had a sheet of paper stuck on a wall, with a spinning arm which pointed to any number of plausible excuses for not having handed in homework an article in time. The offices were renovated last year, and Stephen Cass thought that it was time to update the paper version, bringing it kicking and screaming into the 1980s with a Raspberry Pi-based BASIC system. You can’t fit many excuses on wheel drawn on a sheet of paper.

Read the original:
The Wheel of (BASIC) Excuses
